Network Management & Monitoring

As companies become increasingly dependent on networking services, keeping those services running is synonymous to keeping the business running.

It would be nice if a bunch of network equipment and wires to hook up everything together would seamlessly work smoothly forever, however reality is completely different and you can’t quite get away with so little effort.

Today’s networks are complex and require great deal of attention from planning to implementing/configuring and running. Failures of systems, applications or the network itself do occur and need to be detected, diagnosed and repaired in a timely manner to meet desired service levels without affecting the business and causing revenue loss.

A Network Management System/Software (NMS) aims to making network operations more efficient and operators more productive, despite of the increased complexity. The ultimate goal is to minimize the total cost of ownership (TCO) associated with the network and to do so you need to gain visibility into your network. You cannot rely on ad-hoc practices which do not fit together and almost certainly will fail to discover network impairments in time.

WhatsUp Gold (WUG) by Ipswitch is a leading NMS used in over 100,000 networks worldwide in more than 100 countries. It delivers the most intuitive, comprehensive and cost-effective network management toolset available today allowing you to make better and faster decisions with 360° visibility, actionable intelligence and complete control of your network. With designed-in flexibility, ease of use, quality and affordability, WhatsUp Gold offers ideal support for IT management tasks, including automated discovery, mapping, real-time monitoring, alerting, reporting and troubleshooting of network operations, including systems and applications/services.

Contact us for more information and pricing.