Hybrid Events

As an event planner, you may have heard of the term “hybrid events” being brought up recently. But just what is a hybrid event, and why have they started rising to prominence in recent years?

A hybrid event is an event that takes place in a physical venue, while also being attended by a live and interactive audience online. In fact, you may have attended a few hybrid events yourself, as these event have become increasingly common over the past few years and even more over the last months.

Hybrid events hold several key advantages over traditional events, with the biggest difference being the impressive reach that hybrid events provide.

With hybrid events, event planners (and audiences) are no longer bound by physical or geographical limitations – anyone in the world could potentially participate in your event.

This highlights another advantage of hybrid events – cost-effectiveness. In terms of optimizing your return on investment (ROI), hybrid events bring exponentially more eyeballs, attention and prospective customers to your events.

Think about it this way, instead of organizing multiple (similar) events in different cities across the nation a single hybrid event can be held for your entire audience – across the country or globe (as long as the content you’re sharing at the event relates to everyone in the audience).

Hybrid Events

But take note… these are NOT hybrid events

Before you plan your own hybrid event, it’s also important to know what hybrid events are not. The biggest misconception of hybrid events is that they are simply events that are streamed live to an online audience – such as audiences on Facebook Live.

A true hybrid event utilizes technology to bring online audiences into an event experience – so online audiences and live participants experience the same event, as similarly as possible. At hybrid events, online viewers get to participate in the event in the same way that live attendee do. This means participating in Q&A sessions, interacting with speakers, and engaging with fellow attendees.

Hybrid Events

What you need to organize a hybrid event

A key reason for the rise of hybrid events in recent years is the widespread availability and adoption of high-speed internet access. Whether on a phone, at home or in the office, the average person now has the technology they need to participate in your hybrid event.

At your end, your technical list will run a little longer. In addition to cameras, microphones, trained staff and good Wi-Fi to record and stream your event, you’ll also need a reliable platform to stream your hybrid event such as DCON video conferencing services – powered by Lifesize, a flexible solution that can expand the reach of any event – enabling even intimate event spaces to play host to global conferences, attended by participants around the world.

If you’d like to find out more about how DCON can help you deliver these benefits to you, please contact us.

Interpreting equipment for hybrid / online / live events

Interpretation is more crucial than ever before – And technology is here to provide it in all ways.
Despite the complexity of technology needed DCON can provide all kinds of interpretation services regardless the type of your conference. It can be fully online, live or Hybrid.

We can provide everything you need tailored to your requirements.

We can seamlessly integrate our interpreting technology with our top of the edge 4K video conference equipment to reliably reach participants all over the world.

Benefit from our 20 years expertise in the AV industry including video conferencing and interpreting equipment for face-to-face, virtual or hybrid events.

We can provide interpretation both live from the conference room or from an interpreting hub using interpreters all over the world. Language combination is no longer an issue. Interpreters is no longer an issue.

No travelling cost, No accommodation cost, No limits in the language combination.
How it works : the interpreters provide the simultaneous interpretation from a remote location. Virtual participants join the event via a video conferencing tool (e.g. Zoom); the interpretation is transmitted to them virtually and they have the option to choose any language channel they prefer.

Participants at the venue receive the translation in the same way as they would during a normal face-to-face event, via a receiver with headphones.

Technology is here – DCON has implemented it.

You have a world of options.

Contact us for more information and pricing.

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